Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Touched by your hands,
your love pours out like
honey from a honeycomb,
oh!how precious
that you will pierce our eyes
with light that floods like waters,
oh! how precious
To know that you will not throw us away
Even when marred by the stains
gathered from the cares of life.
With our imperfection yet you
stroke us with your perfection.
Amazingly striking, how so amazing....

you know us all by name,
Even the hairs on our head
one by one are known by you.
That your heart can touch ours
in a dance of love,
oh!how precious.
from sunrise to unquestionable sunset
you are unknown to change,and
yet you can change all things by the
breadth of your nostrils
No ink can describe you enough.
The clapping wings of the bird
sing your praise
how precious!
The singing cry of the newborn
sing to your singing soveriegnty...

To think that the days of our lives
are written out even before we get there...
and everyday you give us a second chance
To redo the script where we failed
No wonder dark clouds give way yo
The smiling sun.
oh!how precious.......